pottery she prefers to create.
"For the miniature pottery I think I was first most impressed with Artus Van Briggle and collected every piece of writing I could find on him and his life. Not only the books, but even any bits of ephemera I could find through the years. I also have copies of every Van Briggle Art Pottery book and bought every
piece I could afford when I was buying and selling Art Pottery for a job. I still have a few pieces that have very little monetary value but do have soul that speaks to me. I have a lot of books on Art Pottery as a whole, these often get me in the mood when I'm stuck for ideas. Actually, going through pictures of my own work can do the same thing now, because there has been a lot of miniature pottery from my desk over the last few years," she added.
And the publishing world has taken notice. And not just of her miniature pottery.
"The first time I had work published was in the third grade. It was an embroidered picture of a tree on a square of burlap. The book was called