"Infinite Riches" and was probably a self-published type book by the teacher, because I lost my copy and haven't been able to find another anywhere since.
"I've been featured in the local newspapers several times. The first time was in grade school for the All City Orchestra. The other features were for the
shop Mostly Art that my husband and I had, so weren't really about me personally. Last year I was featured in American Miniaturist© that CDHM submitted, and in a Finnish Magazine called Nukkekoti©."
She has a small tabletop kiln mainly for the miniature work in her kitchen, and a larger kiln for larger works in the basement, but it is the pieces created using an Xacto© blade that have won her acclaim and praise from collectors.
"I used to have a toothpick that I had carved and sanded to a perfect tool for many things. I had it