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CDHM The Miniature Way Artisan Profile
CDHM The Miniature Way
May 2011, Issue 16
Featured Artisan
Page 15

CDHM Artisan Kristy Taylor creating dollhouse miniatures animals in 1:12 scale improve more and more. It's supposed to be a turtle but looks more like a green blob that a three-year-old made with Play-Doh. Some day I'll post a picture of the horrible thing on my blog for a good laugh.

"The hardest part now for me is probably making the itty bitty hands and feet. Several months ago I finally broke down and bought a pair of those reading CDHM Artisan Kristy Taylor creating dollhouse miniatures animals in 1:12 scale glasses you find at drugstores. Though they make me feel old, those magnifier glasses are quite helpful when trying to perfect the tiny details.

"The easiest part for me is coming up with ideas. They tend to just pop into my head, and I have so many that I had to start writing them down. My list is now enormous and constantly growing. I doubt I'll ever be able to make them all in my lifetime. Because these little guys take me so long to make and

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