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CDHM The Miniature Way Artisan Profile
CDHM The Miniature Way
May 2011, Issue 16
Featured Artisan
Page 14

CDHM Artisan Kristy Taylor creating dollhouse miniatures animals in 1:12 scale "I wanted to try to make my mom a gift for Mother's Day and couldn't find the things I needed at the stores I decided to make it myself. I immediately became addicted and just wanted to make more and more. I learned some things about sculpting and polymer clay from books and quite a lot simply by researching the Internet, such as what kinds of paints to use and what not to use, how to build an armature, what types of polymer clay are out there and the pros and cons of each. CDHM Artisan Kristy Taylor creating dollhouse miniatures animals in 1:12 scale


"When I came across Susan Cobb's website - Crafters Studio, I was blown away by her little furry animals - I had no idea that you could apply fur to the clay and had no idea how. Then I started researching how to go about furring mini animals and found several very useful tutorials. But I think mostly I've learned by trial and error, a lot of error. I still have my very first attempt as a reminder of how much I've improved and as encouragement that I will hopefully

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Custom Dolls, Houses & Miniatures / CDHM