"Have you ever heard the excuse, 'The dog ate my homework?' Well, around here that would be more true if you said the rabbit did it. My friend, Mary, and I were working on a pattern. When we stopped to eat lunch I forgot to push my chair in. When we came back we
couldn't find the pattern. Then I noticed the tell-tale signs that my table had had a visitor. Ginger had jumped from my chair to the table, nibbled on a few things then ate our pattern completely up!"
Although summer may get a bit busy and rabbits might eat patterns, her family is always there for her.
"I am lucky to have a husband in the woodworking business and he understands when I need a new tool. He is also right there when I need help in constructing something. I am so grateful for my husband. After 29 years of marriage we have gone through a lot of changes, some good and some bad. He has hung in there with me and me with him. We were meant to be!"
Kris readily admits that it's not only family and friends who inspire her, but the wonderful people she's gotten to meet.