From scary faces to Disney characters from pumpkin carving contests to eating pumpkin seeds, there is something for everyone in this tradition. Much different folklore has been written about the jack-o-lantern.
The different variations of this legend tell about a man who was a thief named Jack who tricked the Devil into agreeing not to take his soul when he died.
After Jack dies his soul is too corrupt to go to heaven, but since the devil agreed not to take it, he had nowhere to go. Jack turns to the devil and asks how
he is supposed to stumble around in the dark with nowhere to go. Ever resourceful, the devil disdainfully grabs a small ember from Hell and tosses it at him.
Jack puts the ember inside a carved turnip to light his way. Folklore gave him the name Jack-o-lantern, that originally meant watchman.
For countless people a good scare is what they are looking forward to when we think of Halloween. What better way than a Haunted house or attraction, telling scary stories around a bonfire or even watching horror movies in the middle of the night. According to ancient Scottish Samhain beliefs, lighting a bonfire beside slaughtered livestock then walking between was a cleansing ritual.
Today we use the bonfire to set the mood for scaring each other silly with timeless horror stories or folklore. How can you beat a quiet night with only a few coyotes howling in the background and a couple of hoots come from the nearest tree? A slight breeze sends a chill down your back and the red, yellow and orange of the flame of the bonfire in front of you dances. One of your friends or family members takes the stage and there in front of you, the story unfolds. You begin to become totally engrossed in the story when someone comes up behind you and touches your shoulder making you jump and scream - and everyone else laugh!