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CDHM Dollhouse Miniature Featured Gallery
CDHM The Miniature Way
October 2010, Issue 9
Featured Gallery
Page 49

Continue, Hanna Lindroth of Mini Chef

CDHM artisan Hanna Lindroth creates handmade and furred animals in dolls house scale miniatures "I am also a full-time student at the University in social-psychology, so almost all my spare time goes to my miniatures," she said.

Through creative thinking has found a strategy for combining her love of mini-making with a love of books.

"When I work I often listen to audio books, some of my favorite authors is Stephen King and Dean Koontz. Right now though I am listening to Douglas Adams' The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy."

She also has two cats, which she says are not always as supportive as hubby and the rest of her family are.

CDHM artisan Hanna Lindroth creates handmade and furred animals in dolls house scale miniatures


"My two cats do everything they can to sabotage my work. Sometimes I think it is because they are a bit jealous. For example they tend to suddenly run across my worktable and scatter my tiny miniatures in all directions! My smallest cat has this annoying habit where he comes and sits in my miniature cafe, then strikes a pose like he is hoping for some coffee!"

"The first thing I think about in the morning is my miniature food, what I will make, or of a new setting I can make."

While working with few tools and her favorite medium, which is Fimo© brand polymer clay, she turns her thoughts into works of art.

"One of my favorite tools is a simple needle, which I have made a polymer clay handle for. With it I can make very small details in my food."

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