As the cooler weather begins to arrive, we get to shut off the air conditioners and open the windows to let the cool fresh air in. For us crafters there is also the opportunity to work outdoors comfortably and put our sprays, dust and fumes to the wind. I bring this up because September and the beginning of fall
always gets me in the mood to power carve wood, bone, Tagua nuts - all things done so much better in the open air where the smells and dust from the carving don't get all over my shop and in my lungs.
It is also a time that I like to look over my wooden sculpting tools and see if there are any in need of repair or touching up. While sculpting edges wear down, crisp round edges can come out of shape, and occasionally if I am using a hard material I have been known to snap a tool or two.
Okay so before I lose you non-sculptors let me say that the skills required to make your own tools are also the same ones that allow you to make many small objects out of wood that may be used in miniatures and dollhouses, shadow boxes, etc… so read on and you may pick up a tip or two that you can use for a DIY project of your own.