Astonishing, yes! Close-up and panoramic color images bring the beauty and elegance of the White House to life and will make the viewer wonder if it isn’t the real thing!
In 1962 John Zweifel began his quest to replicate the most famous home in America in miniature. This house has long served not only as the American president's home but also as the most enduring symbol of the United States of America. Every year, over one million visitors to Washington, DC, tour this stately mansion, marveling at the history contained within its walls and the grandeur displayed in every room.
Yet while the White House remains one of the USA's most popular tourist spots, most Americans and foreign visitors will never have the opportunity to visit and experience the thrill of history in the making. John set out to remedy that with this model.
John and wife Jan, along with family, friends and many volunteers, spent more than 500,000 hours and 38 years building this 50-foot replica in 1:12 scale. It wasn't always an easy path using photographs, published drawings and memories from frequent public tours to replicate the existing structure and its contents.
It was a testament to the Zweifel’s persistence that the miniature White House was ever completed. The Kennedy administration was the first to become interested in the project, but at the time the Zweifels weren't allowed into the White House to take the necessary measurements and pictures.
It wasn’t until the Ford administration took up residence that the Zweifels were given clearance for full access to the house to complete the project.
Former President Gerald Ford and his wife had such great admiration for the project they even contributed the foreword to the book.
Every single piece of furniture is hand carved, every rug hand stitched, and yes, every wall is hand painted. From the tiny working telephones, crystal chandeliers and portraits, to the tiniest accessories such as smoking pipes all exactly like those found in the White House are shown here.
Everything is exact and amazingly kept current – as the presidency changes so does the house and so does the miniature replica. All colors of furnishings, wallpaper and paint are painstakingly replicated. No effort is spared on this White House model to capture the elegance of one of the world's most recognized residences.
The Zweifels work hard to keep up with the trends of the White House decor and update the model to reflect the changes made during each administration. Talk about committing to a vision! For each new president, the Zweifels begin anew for the model Oval Office.
It has toured every U.S. state as well as several foreign countries during the 1970's and early 1980's. Disaster struck during a tour of Holland when the replica was attacked by a group of anti-American vandals. The model was significantly damaged, but no media coverage was allowed.
John Zweifel, though distraught by the destruction, chose to not allow the media to photograph the damage fearing that the replica would be interpreted as the real White House.
The Queen of the Netherlands, acknowledging the wisdom of this decision, directed the Royal Military craftsmen to aid in the repairs so that the model could meet the viewing deadline within her country.
Portions of the replica can be seen at the Presidents Hall of Fame museum in Clermont, Florida, while the replica itself is featured on tour (usually displayed in presidential libraries) from time to time.
Kathleen Culbert-Aguilar's photographs (accompanied by Cooper Union professor Buckland's text) seem designed to accomplish two things: first, to allow us access to places like the Reagans' bedroom that are not included in the normal White House tour; second, to make us wonder at the craftsmanship of the replica by using clever techniques like placing a real poker hand (a full house!) in the model Green Room.
Gail Buckland’s compilation of the miniature White House in 200 color photographs will bring not only joy of craftsmanship but a sense of history to each viewer.