If it wasn't questions, it was his habit of taking things apart to see how they worked and then being unable to put them back together. It was this habit that led to his most important memory of his father.
When he was seven, John was determined to figure out how the sound came out of his dad's harmonica. Even after it was dismantled he still wasn't quite sure. Putting it back together was even more daunting and although he did his best, to the eyes of any adult it was immediately evident that something was amiss.
Rhino with baby carved by CDHM Staff Writer John Allard
His dad approached him with the semi-assembled mess in his hands and asked if he had been playing with it. He said yes, but he was pretty sure he had put it back together okay.
Instead of being angry, his Dad calmly asked why John had taken it apart. After listening to the answer - how air blowing through it made such sound when the flimsy little reed piece didn't seem up to the job of making so much noise - his father explained that it had to do with vibrations in the