published in many, many magazines and some of them reside in Diane Birnberg's Smallsea Museum in California.
Come, dear Reader, let's go up!! We must meet her!
Look, she works next to the window. We are lucky to find her now because most of her inspiration comes at night. Do not startle her; she doesn't hear us, she is way too focused on making a doll now. Take a peek over her shoulder: she makes a man. I remember she told me once with her serene smile that they are most difficult - like in real life!
As in all good tales, Georgina's journey began with a gift: the dollhouse her father built and offered her when she was six. Her mother often sews tiny things for her dolls too. This supportive family surely helped the bud of Georgina's art fully blossom. Also, as in every good family, Georgina's only hobby is to be a part of a social events group in London.