Good morrow Dear Reader!
We are a little late today, I know, but I would like to wait just a bit longer if you would please wear this? Yes... It is a Victorian suit... Why, you ask?
Dear Reader, did you ever hear about "Sense & Sensibility," the most extraordinary movie?
You have?
Grand! Because this is where I take you today! Now hold my hand and please, push the button - the red one please - of the Steampunk machine on my back. London here we come!
Oh my... What a crowded street! But look up at this window dear Reader. Do you see that young blond woman? The confusion can easily be made but no, this is not Kate Winslet. The name of this Young Lady of Quality is CDHM Artisan Georgina Ritson. It is no surprise that her name sounds familiar to you; her miniature dolls have been