As usual I recommend as a single source of so many types of shears. Even if you just use the names this gives them as a way to search them out from another dealer in your area (and sometimes at a better price).
There are the office supply shops that carry many long-bladed shears that are wonderful for making long straight cuts. I make my own business cards by printing on card
Angle shears with their slight angle makes manuevering easy
stock and if you do not have a big board slicer like I do these long blades can do the job just as well; albeit a little more time consuming.
Spring-loaded micro shears works great for close work Working in thin sheet metal? There are heavy duty metal scissors that are so much easier to use than the big clunky offset shears that sheet metal workers use. These are great for heavy cardboard and plastic sheet as well, cutting through them with nearly as much ease as you would have cutting paper with their heavy sharp blades.
One of the shears I use most in this sort of work doesn't really seem like a shear at all and most would just call them nippers but in fact they are actually just a spring-loaded shear. They are a micro shear, which is