introduction of the enclosed kiln and lead glazes also made a major impact on slip-fired redware, orangeware and red and black pottery, too. Lead glazes, like slip-ware, are also fired at low temperatures because lead will fuse and produce a shine at 800C while other glaze minerals require a temperature at least twice as hot. Lead glazes will also,
unfortunately, leach into food it comes into contact with, particularly acidic foods.
The ancient gods of Mexico and their temples have not been completely forgotten by the tourism industry, however. Tourists can either visit the sites themselves or do a once-stop-tour experience at Cozumel's newest miniature attraction, Discover Mexico© .
In about two hours, a complete tour of the highlights of riches from the Yucatán Peninsula to Michoacán, Oaxaca to Jalisco and Campeche to Baja may be made at this new $9 million attraction. Among the sites are:
■ Scale-model miniatures of dozens of
landmarks, including Maya ruins at Chichén