In a creation near and dear to the lovable scamp Peter's heart is Nature's Mini Harvest Peter Rabbit Party. By IGMA artisan Sandra Palesch, a Peter Rabbit
party is a fun 1:12th scale miniature dollhouse party with Peter Rabbit as the star. A sheet cake, carrot cake cupcakes, jelly bean cupcakes, sugar cookies and lots more cover a tale in the makings of a perfect spring party.
Peter isn't the only rabbit hopping through the galleries.
As any magician will tell you, no magic act is complete without the rabbit to pull out of the hat.
Taylor also shows the Easter bunny himself, painting up some artistic eggs.
The Magnificent Morris by Nicky Cooper holds his bunny by the ears after having pulled him out of the hat with a
wave of his magic wand. The Magnificent Morris is a 12th scale doll, sculpted from polymer clay dressed in black wool cape lined in red cotton striped waistcoat, top hat, trousers and white shirt. His music box base plays "The Entertainer."
Hocus, Pocus and Presto have taken the magic act into their own hands, er, paws. This charming little bunny trio by artist Kristy Taylor are pulling off their own sleight of hand tricks with nary a magician in sight. The Magnificent Morris better not let his little white rabbit see this!
Loredana Tonetti, the creative force behind 64tnt, offers the adorable one and a half inch Miss Bunny with her less-than-an-inch baby swaddled in an acorn cap pram.
Also fresh from the woodlands is Reisl Lackinger's wild micro mushroom scene with a teeny bunny hopping through.
Aleah Klay's soulful bunnies look made for cuddling - by 1/12 scale basket recipients, that is!
On the whimsical end of the scale is Ann Fisher's Alice in Wonderland white rabbits, one in an Elizabethan ruff over a heart tunic and the other in a classic Peter Rabbit blue coat. Both are checking their pocket watches.
And these are just a few. How many bunny rabbits can you find? Visit the CDHM Galleries today and see!