![]() If you have an upcoming show you would like to review for us or other special event that you can send to us to include in the news, or just have an exciting opportunity that you would like to share, please let us know at ![]() Lauretta Carroll Staff Writer |
Delays Due to Volcano
Iceland's volcano, "Eyjafjallajokull" stranded many of our friends, associates and family members a long way from home during their travels to shows this past month. In this era of jetting off to foreign cities in just a few hours, we forget that one can be delayed and stranded on a whim of mother nature. We hope that everyone has made it home by now. |
New scams from Nigeria
![]() It appears that the hackers are getting more creative. This email, though registering from a legitimate email address, was not from the member, but rather from a Nigerian spoof account. Be cautious, if someone you know is asking for money, do not just take it as factual from the email, rather, call them. |
CDHM has another TV star!
What does it feel like to have a film crew from a national television show follow you around? Just ask Dolores Akker. On March 27th Dolores was filmed for a television show called "Man bij hon" (man with dog), a national TV show in the Netherlands. Someone from the show saw her website and was impressed by her beautiful animal reproductions. So impressed that they filmed her in her home and followed her as she attended the Dutch Dollhouse Fair in Arnheim. During the international show the film crew interviewed people and asked their opinions of Dolores' work. You would think that this was enough excitement for one person, but shortly before she found out that the television show was interested in her work, Dolores celebrated her birthday by jumping out of a plane and skydiving for the first time! She claims "after that jump you feel full of energy and power!" |
Try these helpful hints for smooth clay
Getting a smooth and even surface when working with polymer clays can sometimes be an exercise in futility. Here are two ideas that might make it a little easier: ► Have a little egg cup full of corn flour (cornstarch) on hand. Keep dipping your "smoothing" finger into it and gently rubbing the surface. It smoothes the surface nicely - Linda Cummings (linsminis) ► Cut off the finger of a latex (or non-latex if you're allergic) glove and put that over your "smoothing" finger - it will cover up your fingerprints - Betsy Niederer (kachookie) |
A new miniaturist is born!
![]() Congratulations to Kerry Alexander (catdog5) who just welcomed a new little girl, Marlo into the family on February 9! Let's hope that Mom's talent and love of miniatures rubs off on her new bundle of joy. Condolences extended ► Joy Ann Parker of Swallowhill Dolls in Canada, passed away after a prolonged illness in December. Many of you knew her work and she will be greatly missed. |
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