trumpet,drum and disco ball ornaments; and a Redneck Tree with shotgun shell lights, ornaments of hunters, rifles, racing cars and homemade bullet ornaments topped with a beer can.
This year's tree may be in a "Geek" theme and will be decorated with CD's, cables, bits of mother boards, and old mice for the ornaments.
Even her cat, Napoleon gets in on the Christmas fun. He has his own little fiber optic tree where he can reach it that is stuffed with dozens of toy mice.
he gets up there every day and smacks a mouse out Deb claims it is his private advent calendar counting down the days until Christmas.
Among miniature gifts, Deb fondly recalls her favorite Christmas memories of when there were books under the tree for her. She owns an eclectic combination of old mysteries from her childhood to futuristic novels and is delighted by all of them.
Wishing you and yours a very joyous holiday season filled with traditions new and old, tiny treats and a wonderful New Year ahead!