As I made my way from A to W, I shopped here and there and discovered that I had 'blown my budget' after I was only halfway through, somewhere between Section 'L' and Section 'M'. I promised myself to double my budget for Spring 2011!
What to say about the creations of these artisans but 'WOW!' If my friend Diane from Windsor had not forbidden me for life from using the expression 'gobsmacked,' I would just say, "I was gobsmacked by so much beauty and so much talent".
From the exquisitely carved dolls and their magnificent outfits to custom doll houses to die for, original building materials and techniques, museum-quality period furniture ranging from the Tudor era to the 20th century, fabrics and wallpapers available in every style imaginable from cotton to the finest silk, wonderful trees, flowers and garden scenes, extraordinary silver creations - some of which were silver-gilt! - the wonderful ironmonger works (including fire places, lamps and other utensils), tiles available in every possible style, working Victorian kitchen sinks, delicate woven baskets, there was so much to see and to absorb!