The home inhabited by the same redheaded elemental spellbinder, Maharet who has set her pointy hat on her neighbor, the dragon-loving wizard Percutio.
"A lot of people ask me why her decor isn't the traditional 'eye of newt, toe of frog, bubble, bubble, toil and trouble style and my only answer has been because it looks like my house!
And it's true! There are several pieces of furniture in the witch's house that are almost identical to furniture in my own house and she definitely favors the same style. I've certainly broken the stereotype for witchy décor but my personal opinion is that this mini witch's house is much more realistic for the true meaning of 'wise woman'".
Being inducted into the Dollhouse Hall of Fame was certainly a happy moment for Deb but it paled by comparison to the day Sarah Ann moved into Wise Ways Emporium.
And just who is Sarah Ann?
"I think that all of my dollhouses have been favorites while they were in progress. I get very passionate about each one when my Muse is working overtime and each one has a special place in my heart. But the one that means the most to me is Wise Ways Emporium, a tribute to my Great-Grandmother Sarah Ann.