This outlook on inspiration fits in well with her artistic goals, too.
"As a person I strive to be ever-evolving and continually learning and I hope this attitude carries into my work as well.
"I would never want my business to be anything but small and personal. I spend quite a bit of time on every project and I hope it shows in the outcome," she added.
The hardest part of her work isn't finding inspiration or creating, it's patience.
"Hands down, the hardest part of any project is waiting for the glue to dry! I cannot begin to count how many projects I've had to start over because of this!"
Not to mention having the space to spread projects out and allow that poky glue time to dry. Her "workshop" is a table "squished in between a BowFlex machine and bins full of fabric" plus challenging her husband for garage space to be able to use any "messy" power tools.
The tools on the squished table are a different matter.
"My worktable consists of two areas - a cutting mat and a glue mat. I could not live without good old-fashioned straight pins, binder clips and my Dremel. Let me just tell you, a dental instrument - one of those pointy things they scrape around on your teeth with - is invaluable for poking, pulling, shaping and cleaning miniatures, too," she said.