One of the first workshops given in Port Elizabeth (my home town) was the creation of a chenille teddy bear, and a watering can. However time has enhanced the knowledge of miniatures. At present, "Little Steps Miniature Club" is busy creating a Brooke Tucker-style room box as our project. The Academy is making a 1:12 scale traditional stone cider barn with authentic trussed and
battened roof, as well as working versions of a cider and press. And the miniature group in Cape Town has taken on the challenge of creating houses and shops which are all going to be inter-linked into a crescent shape.
One of the founders of miniatures in South Africa, the late Ken Nolan, is greatly admired for the furniture he designed. He was also one of the first persons to make miniature furniture kits. He was a patient teacher and always ready to go the extra mile to help a student.
South Africa has a large geographical area but is sparsely populated with only 40 million inhabitants, most of whom live in under-developed areas. Until now, miniaturists are only found among a tiny minority. Therefore, as mentioned above, we are a truly emerging market, hopefully with a large potential.
Next stop, Italy.