Some of my favorites though are her fabulous "Sweet Sins" cakes. The sins of anger and delusion are represented by her lovely blue and brown, and blue and white miniature fondant delights. I have to say that if I were a doll, the first bite would change anger to bliss and I would have no delusions that the second bite would be delightful.
Kim Saulter's gorgeous work is inspired by visiting bakeries (one of my favorite occupations as well!), looking at pictures in baking books, and watching food shows on TV.
She told me that she is very observant when it comes to food, noticing the small details. This work certainly pays off, especially in the blue foods that she prepared for me. Her lemon blueberry muffins look so real that I can almost smell the delicious aroma and taste the berries. Kim also made some wonderful cupcakes to match the famous blue bag. They are just the thing for munching after your dolls clean out your bank account at Tiffany's.
Kim also loves to bake tasty treats, and the tantalizing smell of sweet delicacies at home helps her to reproduce them in her amazingly real miniature sweets. Kim's favorite blue foods include blueberry smoothies, and her kids love icy blue slurpies!
I hope that you will visit the CDHM galleries of these wonderful artists to see what other miniature treats they've made. Hopefully we have put you in the mood to make your own blue-themed creations, or at least grab a muffin!
Just for the record, my favorite blue food has to be blueberries.