CDHM The Miniature Way
June 2010, Issue 6
We don't have to be exact, since we're not med students, but this will look more accurate. It will help if you have a photo or illustration in front of you.
Step 8
Then put a slightly smaller knob next to the blood vessel that you just attached.
Step 9
Make one last blood vessel and attach it to the last knob you just attached. Put a hole at the end and smooth out all attached places.
Step 10
Now for the fatty tissue, take your fatty blend and roll it out very thinly. Then slice a couple of longish wedges.
Step 11
Place the wedges along the main heart as shown in the photo. Smooth it out with your needle tool.
Then texturize the fat to make it look like fat! Now bake the heart according to the directions on your
clay package.
Step 12 (Optional)
For further realism, thin out your deep red paint a bit, and dab it over the heart, so that the color is not uniform, and so that the fat isn't so starkly standing out.
Of course the underside is unfinished, since I put it on ice. You can add fat to the under to display in a jar, bowl or a lab dish.