"So I purchase it from America. It's a clay I would hate to do without. But I use my own mix of different Prosculpt® shades in order to get the translucent skin color and depth that I like. I would definitely encourage mixing the clays, as long as you make sure they are mixed thoroughly. I did end up with a rather stripy gentleman once from not mixing enough!
Her tools are few, but each one makes all the difference in her creative hands.
"I use a clay shaper, a plaque-removing rubber tipped tool, a scalpel and a needle set in clay. When I first started out I bought every tool going, but
realized that it's not the tool, it's the person wielding it making the difference. I spent many hours researching sculpting proportions and trying different techniques until I felt comfortable not only with the methods that best suited me, but the results that made me happy. Ergo I use the minimum tools necessary!"
Once armed with the best clay and the right tools, there's only one more thing that will turn a lump of lifeless clay into a stunning masterpiece, and that is inspiration.
"The whole world we live in is an inspiration. I am surprised I haven't been arrested in the past as I am a definitely a people watcher. I try to make time to do specific research on a part of the body, and when doing that it is surprising how someone's nose or ears can catch my attention. My other half has to nudge me regularly to remind me there is a whole person attached to that body part who is none too pleased at being stared at.'
Nicky's art has as many different moods as the music she likes.
"I have an incredibly mixed taste in music, it is all according to the mood and the moment," she says.
Clearly this is reflected in her work. Working in different periods and styles, there's nothing that Nicky won't try when it comes to her craft.