And when winter finally breaks out into summer many of us are anxiously awaiting the travelling fairs. From the fanfare of the carousel, screams of passengers on the rides, the sticky sweetness of cotton candy dissolving quickly in the mouth, yet feeling like wool to the touch to the tantalizing aromas of sizzling hot dogs, frying onions, corn dogs and pretzels all permeating the night air.
And who can resist trying
their hand at the coconut shy? Throwing your three wooden balls at a row of coconuts balanced on posts and hopefully winning at least one by making it tumble to the ground so that the delicate flesh can be enjoyed later... It's a delicious taste of summer!
So during these long, sultry summer days and shorter nights, while the kiddies are taking advantage of the long summer break from school take advantage of this fun-filled season yourself. Whatever you do this summer enjoy it and have some sympathy for poor parents everywhere who can't wait for school to start once more!