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CDHM Dollhouse Miniature Featured Gallery
CDHM The Miniature Way
May 2011, Issue 16
Featured Gallery
Page 56

CDHM Artisan Alicia Hernandez of AH Designs creates dollhouse miniature dolls, plants and mini accessories Just when you think you've seen it all, you catch a glimpse of her Fairy Teapot and her hand-sculpted Old Doll Maker, or the tranquil Asian Pool complete with Koi fish and you are surprised once again. A true artist in every sense of the word, Alicia constantly keeps pushing the boundaries of her craft, trying new ideas and methods. CDHM Artisan Alicia Hernandez of AH Designs creates dollhouse miniature dolls, plants and mini accessories

"I have been working with metal and would like to create some metal pieces. I also love furred animals however I was allergic to fur and had so much trouble with sneezing and my eyes watering that I couldn't continue, but I will find something I'm not allergic to and will make some more animals!"

Running a miniature business, coming up with ideas and creative solutions to problems, is almost a full-time occupation, however at times it is even more challenging for Alicia since she also must run a household consisting of a husband, four dogs, and her four-year-old son. While

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