These civilizations are credited with the building of steppe pyramid temples and mathematic, astronomical, medical and theological advancements. Archaic
inscriptions on rocks and rock walls all over northern Mexico demonstrate an early propensity for counting. These very early and ancient count-markings were associated with astronomical events and underscore the influence astronomical activities had upon Mexican natives even before they possessed further developed characteristics of civilization.
In fact, many of the later Mexican-based civilizations would carefully build their cities and ceremonial centers according to specific astronomical events. Astronomy and the notion of human observation of celestial events would become central factors in the development of religious systems, writing systems, Jalisco pre-Columbian 4 inch sculpture of a seated woman holding a child, ca. 300BC-300AD fine arts and architecture.
Aztec sacrificial knife, ca. 1400's, British Museum These prehistoric Mexican astronomers began a tradition of precise astronomical observation, recording and commemorating astronomical events that would later become a hallmark of Mexican civilized achievements. Cities would be founded and built on astronomical principles, leaders would be appointed on celestial events, wars