Notice that on each counter, books lay with some of their pages turning yellow from age while some are still crisp bright white as though they were brand new. In addition to the books of spells and receipts just waiting to be used there waits another small army. Small bits of metal and wood lying at attention awaiting a guiding hand: spoons of all sizes to stir up the bubbling, boiling trouble.
Pottery bowls take up yet another part of the counter, some empty; some holding mysterious ingredients. Now no more hesitation as we take a step into the room and inhale deeply of the drying herbs that hang upside down on the wall beside you.
PREVIOUS PAGE, Door on dollhouse by CDHM Artisan Ericka VanHorn
ABOVE, Stack of books for the witch or wizard theme by CDHM Artisan Karin Caspar
LEFT, 1:12 Basket of assorted vegetables by CDHM Artisan Sarah Maloney
Come on, admit it, you have at least a slight smile on your face as you turn towards them. You can almost imagine the warm summer day when they were harvested. Imagine harvesting them yourself: walking across the meadow barefoot, slicing the plant cleanly yet never taking it all. There must be some left to grow to be harvested again!
Since everything is so inviting, let's brew up some fun!