In addition to the Preac©, Tom has an array of both power and hand tools which he uses. Along with an endearing sense of humor he engages to describe them all!
"Let's see, I have (subject to increase): four Preac© table saws; two Cameron© drill presses; a Byrnes©
four-inch table saw, a disk sander, and a thickness sander; a Sherline© vertical mill; a scroll saw (it's still a virgin); three lathes - CarbaTec©, Unimat©, and Taig© (two with duplicators); 14 Dremel© Moto-Tools; Preac© thickness sander; four-inch wide belt sander; and lots of hand tools and jigs. What is on my worktable? A big mess, and usually three to six projects in various stages of production: clocks, parquet floors, tables, prototypes and a top secret item."