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CDHM dollhouse miniature All about animals in miniature
CDHM The Miniature Way
January 2011, Issue 12
Animals and Bears
Page 48

Animals and Bears

CDHM Artisan Linda Master hand carves animals in dollhouse scale One word of caution though: don't spray too close to the piece. Two things can happen. You may blow your lovely doggie right off the table, or if sprayed too close, the propellant in the can may cause freezing and condensation. So use any canned air spray carefully.

I have saved this step for last, since the debate among smokers and people who do not smoke rages on and on. I actually considered not talking about it at all, but it's too important not to discuss. I also dread, being a smoker myself, having to take the side against smoking. That's not what this is about. It's about protecting you investment, whether it's an emotional one or monetary investment, the reason for keeping your animal or bear away from all types of smoke is the same.

CDHM Artisan John Allard hand sculpts animals including dragons All the gentle rubbing in the world will not remove the discoloration and smell from your items, no matter what you do. Even smoke and odors from cooking can become embedded in fur, cloth and threads, leaving a scent that will linger forever. Cigarette smoke is by far the worse culprit. It leaves an unpleasant smell, discolors all types of materials and disperses tars and other airborne chemicals that settle on everything, including your collectibles.

So, if you do smoke, or are really bad in the kitchen, keep your collectibles in a glass or plexi-glass display case. It's not 100 percent foolproof, but it will cut down dramatically on the exposure to these airborne contaminants. You will still be able to see your precious possession and remove it when you like, but it will be kept a little safer and cleaner this way.

TOP LEFT, Linda Master created this tiny bird, hand carved from wood.
ABOVE, John Allard created this sitting dragon. This dragon is larger and measures 12 inches from head to tail.

The above steps are just rudimentary suggestions for keeping your animals or bears as clean as possible, yet still allow you to be able to enjoy them for all of the reasons they caught your eye in the first place. The really wonderful thing about owning a piece of art is to get as much enjoyment as you can for as long as you can. If you follow these few simple steps you'll be able to extend your enjoyment for years to come. Perhaps you may even be able to pass it on one day, sharing the enjoyment for generations.

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