→ Create a miniature that you feel represents Halloween.
→ It can be anything you want, as long as it relates to the Halloween theme in 1:12 scale
(1" to 1' (2.54cm to 30.48cm)) or smaller.
→ Entries must be 3-dimensional and created for this challenge.
→ Have fun and make up a Halloween creation!
→ Submit three (3) images, jpgs or gifs, minimum size 640x480.
→ Images should be good clarity with one close up of the creation
→ Send entry to
no later than Midnight (CST/USA), September 30, 2010
→ When submitting your entry, each email should include your entry name, CDHM nickname
(if applicable),full name, mailing address, and email address.
→ Photo, in its entirety, must be a single work of original material taken by the contest entrant.
By entering the Contest, entrant represents, acknowledges and warrants that the submitted
photographs are original photos created solely by the entrant and that no other party has
any right, title, claim or interest in the photos.
→ Only one entry can be submitted per contestant
→ Entry must be related to the Halloween theme
→ Entry must be made in 1:12 scale or smaller
→ One entry per person
→ Entrants must be 18 years of age or older
→ Entry must be made for this contest
→ A 3-day Poll will be set up on October 8-10, 2010 on the CDHM Contest website
→ Winner will have a published article in the CDHM iMag,
The Miniature Way in November 2010 issue.
→ Entries received after the deadline
→ Less than three (3) images
→ Collage images (more than one image within an image) are not allowed
→ Entries that have watermarks, nicknames, trade names, writing, or logos
→ Entries that are not in your possession
→ No entry will be accepted that is not relevant to theme
→ Entries that have been shown to the public prior to or during the contest
→ Entries that have been published, listed for sale, or publically shown prior to judging