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CDHM The Miniature Way
Published Membership August 2010, Issue 7 The Miniature Way -- CDHM
Click The Article Title To Read Jun/July 2010, Issue 6 Elisa Fenoglio, "Bella Italia" Pat Carlson, "Artist Profile: A Library Begins With A Dollhouse" Nicky Cooper, "Artistry and Imagination" May 2010, Issue 5 IGMA Artist Sandi Palesch, "Artist Profile: Harvested Fresh From The Clay" Ksy Burton, "Shrink The Masters" April 2010, Issue 4 IGMA Fellow Bill Helmer, "Artist Profile: Natural Materials Are Turner's Specialty Item" Debbe Mize, "Minis as a jack-of-all-trades" March 2010, Issue 3 Hazel Parr, "Culinary marvels come in 1:12 scale" Linda Cummings, IGMA Fellow, "Artisan Profile: Dollhouse Takes Artist From Collector To Creator" Stephanie Brown, "Miniatures for Hollywood, Tiny owls grew up when Hollywood called" February 2010, Issue 2 Katina Beales, "Art Deco dollhouse was exercise in loving discipline" Pamela Poulakos, "Pudgy Little Heart-stealers Aren't Limited To Valentine's Day" Silke Janas-Schloesser, "Artist Profile: Happy Mini Accident" January 2010, Issue 1 Beatrice Thierus, "La Vie En Rose Dollhouse" Carolyn Brown, "Discover The Art Of Carolyn Brown" Deborah Gouldthorpe, "Artist Profile: A Magic Moment" Top of Page American Miniaturist Magazine -- USA
August 2010, Issue 88 Courtney Strong, "Go Make A Checker Cake", Pages 52-55 * Julie Campbell, "A Dollmaker In Wonderland", Pages 6-11 Silke Janas-Schloesser, "Das Kleine Volk Von Silke", Pages 44-51 * July 2010, Issue 87 Aleah Klay, "Dressed Animals", Page 48 Loredana Tonetti, "I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Daisies", Pages 80-83 June 2010, Issue 86 Anna Hardman, "A Blushing Bride's Look At Love", Page 44; "A Doll Artist's Challenge", Pages 73-75 Ernesto Baldini, "The Great Pumpkin Pot", Pages 20-22 * Janine Crocker, "A Blushing Bride's Look At Love", Page 47 May 2010, Issue 85 Betty Hagen, "Delicious Dim Sum Recipes", Pages 74-79 * Selene Bloedorn-Saeed, "Color The World With Music", Pages 44-49 April 2010, Issue 84 Annemarie Kwikkel, "A Bonnet For The Grandest Lady", Page 43 Elisa Fenoglio, "A Bonnet For The Grandest Lady", Pages 50-51 Diane Pietrocola, "A Bonnet For The Grandest Lady", Page 44 Janine Crocker, "A Bonnet For The Grandest Lady", Page 49 Kay Burton, "A Bonnet For The Grandest Lady", Page 45 Kiva Atkinson, "Tidbits "Kudos For Kiva", Page 33 Kristy Taylor, "Kristy's Mini Menagerie", Pages 6-11 March 2010, Issue 83 Akke Ris, "Wandering Wisteria Lane", Pages 8-11 * Julie Campbell, "A Doll Artist's Dream Studio", Pages 70-74 Lidi Stroud, "A Basketcase At (Mini) Heart", Pages 84-86 * Tammy Shoup, "Miniature Pets and Pups", Pages 87-91 February 2010, Issue 82 Joyce Barmore Sterk, "A Mini Chat With Joyce", Pages 77-83 * Tracy Topps, "Kid-friendly Miniature Babies", Pages 23-25; "A Touch of Imagination", Pages 86-91 * January 2010, Issue 81 Christiane Lourier, "Surrounded By Inspirataion", Pages 50-51 * Ernesto Baldini, "Spot of Tea Anyone?", Pages 18-20 * Katrina Gray, "Sparkling Little Eyes", Pages 6-11 Selene Bloedorn-Saeed, "Finish Your Fairy House", Pages 64-65 Tom Walden, Tom's Tool Box, Pages 14-17 December 2009, Issue 80 Selene Bloedorn-Saeed, "A Home To Rest My Fairy Head", Pages 48-51 Stephanie Kilgast, Cover, "Joyeux Noel, Avec L'Amour", Pages 12-20; Tutorial: "Patisseries Francaises", Pages 54-57 * Tom Walden, Tom's Tool Box, Pages 62-65 November 2009, Issue 79 Lucy Maloney, "Puppy Dog Eyes, Miniature Size", Pages 40-43 * Selene Bloedorn-Saeed, "Home Sweet Fairy Home", Pages 48-53 Tom Walden, Tom's Tool Box, Pages 62-65 October 2009, Issue 78 Lidi Stroud, "Make A Mini Carpet Beater", Pages 42-44 * Tom Walden, Tom's Tool Box, Pages 62-65 September 2009, Issue 77 Katie Arthur, "Pick Up The PaintBrush", Pages 28-31 * Carolyn Mohler Kraft, "Carolyn's Mini Renaissance", Pages 62-68 Tom Walden, Tom's Tool Box, Pages 54-57 August 2009, Issue 76 Akke Ris, "Bring In A Little Green", Pages 48-50 * Aleah Klay, "Teddy Bear Cookie Jar", Pages 55-57 * Gosia Suchodolska, "From Scrap To Treasure", Pages 28-30 * Janine Crocker, "Top It Off With High Fashion", Pages 34-36 * Linda Cummings, "Comfort Foods For The Heart", Pages 12-17 * Pimsiri Sukkerd, "Mini Flowers From Thailand", Pages 39-42 * Tom Walden, Tom's Tool Box, Pages 62-65 July 2009, Issue 75 Kiva Atkinson, "Here There Be Dragons", Page 10 Alison Brand, "Small Food For Big Appetites", Pages 84-85 * Deb Jackson, "Delightful Mini Designs", Pages 53-57 Debbie Dixon-Pavor, "A Parasol and Picture Frames", Pages 48-52 * Richard Johnson, "A Bowl of Pretty Pears", Pages 62-64 * Miriam Kallies, "Here There Be Dragons", Page 9 Aleah Klay, "Here There Be Dragons", Page 7 Deb Roberts, Cover and "Realistic, Eclectic and Mini Mystic", Pages 14-21 * Jain Squires, "Jain's Little Wonderland", Pages 28-32 * Ericka Van Horn, "Here There Be Dragons", Page 10 Tom Walden, Tom's Tool Box, Pages 22-25 June 2009, Issue 74 Tom Walden, "Tom's Tool Box", Pages 76-80 Becky Winsor, Tutorial: "Making a Mini Geisha Doll", Pages 50-51; article, "Simply Elegant Asian Beauty", Pages 52-55 May 2009, Issue 73 Ulrike Leibling, "Adorable Baby Faces in Miniature", pgs 48-50; "Rugged Mini Leather Bag" Tutorial, pages 51-53 * Pamela Poulakos, "Blanketed In Baby Blessings", Pages 56-59 * Lidi Stroud, "With Love From Down Under", Pages 74-75 * Tom Walden, "Tom's Tool Box", Pages 76-79 April 2009, Issue 72 Alice Bell, "Living The Mini Dream", Page 28 * Pat Carlson, "Living The Mini Dream", Page 28 * Sandie Coe, "Striking Art for the Mini Collector", Pages 82-85 Carol Cook, "Make Mutton Stew For Two", Pages 56-59 * Marilyn Harms, "Mini Cart for Heavy Lifting", Pages 38-42 * Betsy Niederer, "Living The Mini Dream", Pages 28-30 * Kerri Pajutee, "Living The Mini Dream", Page 28 * Sandra Palesch, "Living The Mini Dream", Page 28 * Bertie Pittman, "The Mini Art of the Lathe", Pages 43-45 * Gosia Suchodolska, "Mini Inspiration in a Circle of One", Pages 48-52 * Tracy Topps, "Living The Mini Dream", Page 28 * Barbara Vajnar, "Primitive and Pretty Country Furniture", Pages 34-36 * Tom Walden, "Tom's Tool Box", Pages 62-65 March 2009, Issue 71 Kiva Atkinson, "Eat All Your Vegetables", Pages 34-36 Lauretta Carroll, "Small Boxes Big Potential", Pages 28-33 * Linda Master, "Micro Miniature Miracle Chicken", Pages 10-13 * Kim Saulter, "Peaceful Perfection Sweet Confections", Cover and Pages 6-9 * Tom Walden, "Tom's Tool Box", Pages 76-79 February 2009, Issue 70 Amber Matthies, "Miniature Trolls - Magical Fairies", Pages 52-55 * Ulrike Leibling, "Rock-a-Bye Baby Cradle", Pages 74-80 * Tom Walden, "Tom's Tool Box", Pages 46-50 January 2009, Issue 69 Kiva Atkinson, "Inari Sushi Made Mini", Pages 22-24 Tom Walden, "Tom's Tool Box", Pages 78-81 Top of Page Chip-Chats, National Woodcarvers Association - USA
July/August 2009 Linda Master, Cover and article: "It's Lush, It's Elaborate, It's Little", Pages 10-11 Top of Page Contemporary Doll Collector -- USA
July 2010 Bonita McKim, "Midwest Miniatures Museum", Page ?? January 2010 Kori Leppart-Butts, "Fantasy Land", Page 35 Top of Page Doll Reader Magazine -- USA
May 2009 Amber Matthies, Details Not Available April 2009 Debbie Dixon-Paver, "The Magical Spell of Springtime", Pages 20-21 Deb Wood, Cover and article: "A Glimpse of Magic", Pages 22-25 Top of Page Dollhouse Miniatures Magazine -- USA
July/August 2010 Issue 16 Kerri Pajutee, "Pawsitively delightful miniature critters, Pages 6-10 Kiva Atkinson, "This Is Nacho Average Drink", Pages 36-37 March/April 2010 Issue 14 Kiva Atkinson, "Keeping Your Sunny Side Up", Pages 22-23 Loredana Tonetti, "Talent In A Teacup", Pages 36-38 January/February 2010 Issue 13 Annemarie Kwikkel, "Dogs and Dolls, A Perfect Pairing", Pages 24-27 Cristina Minischetti, "Ringing In A Big Mini New Year", Page 38 Era Anderson Pearce, "Ringing In A Big Mini New Year", Page 39 Kiva Atkinson, "Hello FrouFrou, Hello FunnyFace", Pages 52-53 Lucy Maloney, "Dogs and Dolls, A Perfect Pairing", Pages 24-27 Lucie Winsky, "Miniature Showcase", Page 44 Marsha Mees, "Ringing In A Big Mini New Year", Page 38 Rik Pierce, "Historial Flights of Imagination", Pages 6-10 November/December 2009 Issue 12 Betsy Niederer, "IGMA Profile", Page 36-39 * Debbie Dixon-Paver , "Porcelain Toys, Christmas Joy", Pages 76-79 Diane Pietrocola, "Have Yourself A Mini Little Christmas", Page 12 Elisa Fenoglio, "A Passion For Her Work", Pages 36-39 * Julie Campbell, "Have Yourself A Mini Little Christmas", Page 12 Jacqui Perrat, "Have Yourself A Mini Little Christmas", Page 16 Joyce McBride, "Have Yourself A Mini Little Christmas", Page 14 Kiva Atkinson, "Smile and Say Cheese!", Pages 22-23 Loredana Tonetti, "Have Yourself A Mini Little Christmas", Page 15 Marsha Mees, "Have Yourself A Mini Little Christmas", Page 14 Sandra Morris, "Have Yourself A Mini Little Christmas", Page 15 Terri Davis, "Have Yourself A Mini Little Christmas", Page 14 September/October 2009 Issue 11 Anna Hardman, "Things That Go Bump In The Night", Page 9 Betsy Niederer, "Things That Go Bump In The Night", Page 8 Carol Wagner, "Miniature Showcase", Page 22 Cheri Desiree, "Things That Go Bump In The Night", Page 9 Cindi Cannon, "Things That Go Bump In The Night", Page 9 Elisa Fenoglio, "Things That Go Bump In The Night", Page 8 Ericka Van Horn, "Things That Go Bump In The Night", Page 9 Jain Squires, "Things That Go Bump In The Night", Page 6 Jane Longley, "Things That Go Bump In The Night", Page 11 Kiva Atkinson, "Here's To Fall Okole Maluna!", Pages 34-35 Silke Janas-Schloesser, "Things That Go Bump In The Night", Page 9 July/August 2009 Issue 10 Kiva Atkinson, "Monkey Business Hawaiian Style", Pages 11-13 May/June 2009 Issue 9 Kiva Atkinson, "You Say Tomato, I say Tomato", Pages 62-64 March/April 2009 Issue 8 Kiva Atkinson, "A Dinner That's Easy As Pie", Pages 16-18 Sue Anne McConnell, "Baby Face", Pages 48-50 Jan Patrie, "Miniature Showcase", Page 36 Kay Shipp, "Droll & Delightful", Pages 19-22 January/February 2009 Issue 7 Kiva Atkinson, "A little taste of the sea", Pages 16-18 Top of Page Dolls Magazine -- USA
December 2009 Mamie Leger, "Matchless Technique and Magnificence", Page 35 November 2009 Debbie Weimert, "Meet The Artist", Page 9 Top of Page Dolls House and Miniature Scene -- UK
August 2010 Lydia Murphy, "Easy Stripes Afghan", Pages 66/67 June 2010 Julie Campbell, "Japanese Garden" May 2010 Kay Burton, "Capturing The Finest Of Detail" Kiva Atkinson, "How-To For Making Welsummer Eggs" Rosalene Walters, "Outfit A Edwardian Child", Pages 62-63 April 2010 Linda Cummings, "IGMA Fellow Submission" March 2010 Elly de Kraker, "Portrait Of A Black Cat", Pages 76-77 Roz Walters, "Crochet in Miniature - Winter Warmers In Single Rib Crochet", Page 60 February 2010 Lydia Murphy, "Poncho/Skirt - A Look Back at the 60's", Pages 70-71 December 2009 Linda Keeling, Announcement of Her New (brick & mortar) Shop in Ellesmere, Shropshire UK, Pages 28-29 November 2009 Marie Whomes, "Witchywonders", Article Online Michele Kelly, "Delectable Drinks", Article Online October 2009 Julie Campbell, "The Ultimate Make-Over", Article Online September 2009 Jan Patrie, "Autumn Leaf Studio", Article Online Lydia Murphy, "Candy Stripes Afghan", Pages 66-67 Sandie Coe, "Inspiration From The Countryside", Pages 6-7 August 2009 Kim Saulter, "Busy Mom Makes Time For Miniatures", Pages 10-15 July 2010 Lydia Murphy, "Pineapples Afghan", Pages 72-73 June 2009 Jain Squires, "The Giddy Kipper Dolls", Page ??? Kiva Atkinson, "Crossing The Ages And Cuisines" May 2009 Kay Burton, "Artful Masterpieces", Pages 6-9 April 2009 Lydia Murphy, "Feather and Fan Afghan", Pages 58-59 Rosalene Walters, "Honoria, an Art Deco Style Outfit", Pages 62-63 March 2009 Debbie Dixon-Paver, "Kensington Dollshouse Festival", Page 34, "News", Page 40 Lydia Murphy, "Baby Layette To Fit A Heidi Ott Baby Doll", Pages 72-73 Loredana Tonetti, "Tiny Italian Treasures", Pages 6-8 February 2009 Kiva Atkinson, "Getting Saucy", Pages 64-65 Lidi Stroud, "The Challenge of Making Baskets", Pages 22-23 Mandy Rigg, "A Study in Red", Pages 6-8 Top of Page Dolls' House Magazine -- UK
October 2009, Issue 137 Lucie Winsky, "Miniaturising the Old Masters" Pages 54-55 March 2009, Issue 130 Debbie Dixon-Paver, "A Bevy of Beauties", Pages 40-43 Top of Page DollsHouse World Magazine -- UK
August 2010, Issue 215 Abby Benner, "Lilies Make A Bouquet Special", Page 44 * July 2010, Issue 214 Courtney Strong, "Delicious Tiny Cakes", Pages 66-67 * May 2010, Issue 212 Julie Campbell, "The Perfect Place For Creating Dolls", Pages 14-16 Sue Giordano, "Great Snack Ideas For The Kids", Page 60 February 2010, Issue 209 Aleah Klay, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 35 * Akke Ris, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 35 * Brittney Gobble, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 35 * Dorys Barahona, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 35 * Hanna Lindroth, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 35 * Hanna Meronen, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 34 * Juliet Kebell, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 35 * Julie Campbell, "Valentine Showcase", Page 6 Lucy Maloney, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 35 * Mariella Vitale, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 34 * Pat Carlson, "Animals On Their Best Behaviour", Page 34 * Roz Gilmour of Lilyelf Miniatures, "Valentine Showcase", Page 6 January 2010, Issue 208 Betsy Niederer, "Baking Cakes Can Be Fun", Page 44 * Carolyn Brown, "Baking Cakes Can Be Fun", Page 45 * Fiona Bateman, "Baking Cakes Can Be Fun", Page 44 * Hanna Lindroth, "Baking Cakes Can Be Fun", Page 45 * Kimberly Burke, "Baking Cakes Can Be Fun", Page 45 * Lydia Benedict, "Baking Cakes Can Be Fun", Page 44 * Nathalie Gireaud, "Baking Cakes Can Be Fun", Page 45 * Renaissance Thones, "Baking Cakes Can Be Fun", Page 45 * Stephanie Kilgast, "Baking Cakes Can Be Fun", Page 45 * December 2009, Issue 207 Linda Cummings, "Boiled Lobster For Supper", Pages 30-32 * Jennifer Gibson, "Shopping on a Grand Scale" Pages 24-27 November 2009, Issue 206 Abby Benner, "Cover Insert" and "Everything Is Now Blooming", Pages 26-28* Anna Hardman, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 45* Annemarie Kwikkel, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 44* Christa Chayata, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 47 * Elisa Fenoglio, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 45* Hanna Lindroth, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 46* Kori Leppart-Butts, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 45* Jennifer Gibson, "Just One In A Large Collection" Pages 6-10 Lilyelf Miniatures, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 46* Mariella Vitale, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 46 * Molly Stanton, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 47* Nathalie Gireaud, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 46* Pamela Poulakos, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 46* Paulette Morrissey, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 44* Sue Giordano, "The Cutest Doll In The Toy Box", Pages 48-49 Sumaiya Mehreen-Sunehra, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 47* Tiggy Goldsmith, "Miss Universe Doll Pageant Showcase", Page 46* October 2009, Issue 204 Lilyelf Miniatures, "Miniature Showcase", Page 16 Mary Williams, "Autumn @ Miniatura", Page 57 August 2009, Issue 203 Kim Saulter, "Busy Mom Makes Time For Miniatures", Pages 10-14 * March 2009, Issue 198 Zena Coffield, "Small Talk", Page 4 April 2009, Issue 199 NA March 2009, Issue 198 Ulrike Leibling, "Cute Babies and Toddlers", Pages 44-45 * Tom Walden, "Perfection In Twelfth Scale", Pages 52-55 * February 2009, Issue 197 Amber Matthies, "Adorable Little Fantasy Trolls", Pages 60-61 * January 2009, Issue 196 Jax Perrat, "Small Talk", Page 4 Lorraine Miniatures, "Christmas Fare", Page 16 Top of Page Interweave Crochet Magazine -- UK
Spring 2009 Mariella Vitale, "A Menagerie at Your Fingertips", Page 96 Top of Page La Bacchetta Magica Miniature -- Italy
May-June/July 2010, n.20 Aleah Klay, "Piccoli Animaletti", Page 20 January-February 2010, n.18 Barbara Dezza, "Una Torta Per San Valentino", Page 9 November-December 2009, n.17 Patrizia Cozzo, Tutorial "Una Dolce Fatina Da Realizzare", Page 16 Nathalie Gireaud, Tutorial "Creiamo Un Adorabile Presepe", Page 26 September-October 2009, n.16 Patrizia Cozzo, "Una Dolce Fatina Da Realizzare, Terza parte: mani, piedi e colorazione del corpo", Page 13 Barbara Dezza, "Arrosto Crudo", Page 18 June-July 2009, n.15 Patrizia Cozzo, "Una Dolce Fatina Da Realizzare, Seconda parte - Il corpo", Page 15 March-April 2009, n.14 Patrizia Cozzo, Cover and "Una dolce fatina da realizzare" Barbara Dezza, "La bottiglia e i funghi" and "Caramelle di liquirizia" Top of Page Miniature Collector -- USA
January 2010 Katina Beale, "Fiestaas en la casa art deco", Pages 44-49 Randall Zadar, "Collections In The Dollhouse", Page 38 December 2009 Bridget McCarty, "Build The Best Biffy Challenge Results", Page 32 Cathy Brickner, "Build The Best Biffy Challenge Results", Page 30 November 2009 Anna Hardman, "Through The Looking Glass", Page 66 Cheri DeGruccio, "Miniature Collector Gallery", Pages 48-49 July 2009 Deborah Mackie, "IGMA Show Report", Page 35 Diane Paone, "IGMA Show Report", Page 36 Kerri Pajutee, "IGMA Show Report", Page 34 February 2009 Marsha Mees, "Good Sam Show Report", Page 24 Top of Page Miniaturas Coleccionismo Spain
May 2010, Issue 148 Vanesa Pizarro, "Muneca de Creacion, Osos Venecianos", Page 38 April 2010, Issue 147 Linda Cummings, "Tallado De Pollo", Page 6 March 2010, Issue 146 Noemi Pascual, "Habitantes", Pages 34-35 Philippa Todd, "Cochinillo Asado", Pages 6-7 * February 2010, Issue 145 Karin Caspar, "La magia de Karin Caspar", Pages 41-43 Linda Cummings, "Pollo abierto para trinchar", Page 7 * January 2010, Issue 144 Vanesa Pizarro, "Cinco tartas para "mantenerse"...Feliz!" and "5 Tartas de temporada", Page 7 November 2009, Issue 142 Anna Hardman, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 36 * Christa Chayata, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 36 * Cindy Teh Yen Ling, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 37 * Dorys Barahona, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 37 * Hanna Lindroth, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 37 * Linda Cummings, Tutorial "De Menu, Langosta", Page 7 * Lucie Winsky, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 37 * Mariella Vitale, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 37 * Molly Stanton, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 36 * Noemí Pascual, "La Coccion", Page 6 Nathalie Gireaud, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 36 * Pamela Poulakos, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 37 * Patty Clark, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 36 * Paulette Morrissey, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 36 * Romy Cleer, "Salon Vintage" (Estudio de Salón Añejo), Page 38 Rosalind Stewart-Gilmour, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 36 * Sumaiya Mehreen, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 37 * Tiggy Goldsmith, "Quien vive en CDHM", Page 37 * October 2009, Issue 141 Romy Cleer, "El Estudio Shabby Chic", Pages 12-14 and Pages 32-33 September 2009, Issue 140 Linda Cummings, "Croissants Mantecosos", Page 11 * Sarah-Jane Waller, "El Oso De Angorina Lloron", Pages 10-11 * July 2009, Issue 138 Era Anderson Pearce, "Petunias Rojas y Blancas Jaspeadas", Page 10 * June 2009, Issue 137 Debbie Dixon-Pavor, "A Parasol and Picture Frames", Pages 48-52 * April 2009, Issue 135 Ulrike Leibling, "Ulrike Leibling Dolls", Pages 36-37 * March 2009, Issue 134 Marilyn Harms, "Carro de Mercado", Pages 6-7 * February 2009, Issue 133 Stephanie Brown, "Nombre Propio: Stephanie Brown", Page 32 * Nathalie Gireaud, "El oso Enamorado", Page 51 * Anya Stone, "El Tejon", Page 7 * Alicia Volta, "Nombre Propio: Alicia Volta", Pages 36-37 * and "Madrid: Atrapados en el Placer", Page 21 January 2009, Issue 132 Debbie Dixon-Paver, "Habitantes: Debbie Dixon-Paver", Cover and Pages 36-37 * Top of Page Poppenhuizen en Miniaturen -- The Netherlands
June/July 2010 Dolores Van den Akke, "Dogs In Miniature" Pages 16-18 Top of Page SmallStuff Digest - USA
April 2010 Linda Maddaford, "How To Make A Baseball Cap", Online Top of Page West Virginia Gazette -- USA
May 2009 Alice Bell, "Miniatures Artist Alice Bell Likes To Work Small" (Read Article Online) Top of Page
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